Tracking and collecting information (on mobile)
Marking Attendance
Tap once on ‘Unmarked’ to mark student as ‘Present’
Tap again to mark student as ‘Absent’
The sun symbol at the bottom right corner indicates student’s morning attendance
Checking off a field
Tap once to check off that field
Tap again to remove the tick
Selecting an option
Tap once for the options to appear in a bottom modal
Select one of the options and tap ‘Save’
Important: Do note that tapping out of the modal will not save your input. Remember to tap ‘Save’!
Entering text or numbers
Tap once for the free text field to appear in a bottom modal
Enter text or numbers and tap ‘Save’
Important: Do note that tapping out of the modal will not save your input. Remember to tap ‘Save’!
Summary Page
Tap on the kebab menu icon on the top right corner of the list.
A menu will appear with the ‘Summary’ option at the bottom.
Tap on ‘Summary’ to access the page displaying the count within each column.
Note: Click on ‘Expand all’ to quickly get an overview of all the columns at once.
Pro Tip: Mark all for attendance and checkboxes
Tap directly on the column name for attendance tap or checkbox and a menu will appear
Tap on ‘Mark all as’
Select the attendance option OR
check the checkbox and tap ‘Save’.
Important: Do note that tapping out of the modal will not save your input. Remember to tap ‘Save’!
When tapping on ‘Mark all as’ again, check that you want to change all the data to the option indicated in the modal before tapping ‘Save’
Pro Tip: View and edit all info for a student
Tap directly on student’s name to expand the student’s record
Scroll down to view all the fields for the student and you can edit the data accordingly
Tap ‘Save’ when done