Add editors /
Tap on add collaborator icon
Search for the name of your colleague
Select one or more colleagues to be added as editors or viewers to the FlexiList
Tap on ‘Add’ to add these colleagues
Note: You can only add colleagues who are in the same school/institution as you.
Editor access
Editors of FlexiList can input data into lists shared with them, and make edits to existing data, but will not be able to remove students and columns
They are able to rename, download and make a copy of the lists, but will not be able to delete them
Viewer access
Viewers of FlexiList can only view the contents, but will not be able to input or edit any data
They will also not be able to add other collaborators to the list
Share link with viewers
To inform your collaborators that you have shared the list with them, you can share the link of the list with them
After adding your selected collaborators, a pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap on ‘Share link’
The options to share the link via various messaging channels will appear for you to select and send